What is Bildungsurlaub?

At Goga Askurava Language Centre we are proud to offer a Bildungsurlaub course that will help you to improve and practice your Russian skills. By selecting either a one-week or a two-week option available, you will be able to meet your employer’s requirements.

What is Bildungsurlaub?

Bildungsurlaub provides an opportunity for German employees to attend courses on special topics during their work time. For an employee to be eligible for this educational leave, they must opt for an approved institution.

Every employee in Germany working for their company for at least six months is eligible for Bildungsurlaub; the exceptions include Baden-Württemberg and Saarland, where at least 12 months of employment is required.

Bildungsurlaub means “educational leave” implying that you can take some time off to attend courses for your professional development:  foreign languages, political seminars, whatever you find suitable … and the advantage is the employer is still paying you! So, there is no need to use your vacation days to start studying a new language: in fact, you can have both a Bildungsurlaub and your vacation days.

General and Communicative Russian

We offer 30hrs of contact teaching time weekly. During the contact hours, we rely on coursebooks and class project work to enable our students to improve their skills in General and Communicative Russian.